Wednesday, February 20, 2013

sickness and a restless mind.

for the past few days i've been sick. lovely, right? and, honestly, i don't really feel like blogging right now or doing much of anything, but my mind is kind of restless and running all over the place, so here i am - i apologize in advance if i say some pretty random stuff... it may or may not be the nyquil talking. i haven't even updated my photo-of-the-day blog in almost 2 weeks. yikes. maybe i'll get there tomorrow...

anyhow, in the past month or so life has been pretty all over the place, but in a good way - mostly. i signed up to run a full marathon. what the heck was i thinking. i know. and now i'm sick, which just does great things for my training schedule... but i am really excited about it. and scared. but mostly excited. i got to be the maid of honor in one of my best friend's wedding - which was just such a beautiful day all together. i loved being there, watching them make a covenant before the Lord. it's rained, and i just love the rain. there's also been odd summery days here and there which are nice too. there's been plenty of coffee and catch-ups with some lovely people. its been busy. its been good.

here are just a few of my favorite pics from valentine's day :)

did i mention i have the best roommates a girl could ask for? cuz i do.
welp, that's all for now. hopefully i will post again in less than a month...

emily xx


  1. everything about the one with you and caitlin kissing carlye is perfect-all the expressions (carlye's mock horror/helplessness, the slight crinkle of amusement on caitlin's face, the distance between you and carlye, how you ALL are almost laughing), the timing, etc. hilarious :)

  2. You are so incredibly beautiful! I love those pictures!
    Hey, can I be included in the catching up with friends? It's been too long. :)
